Day 6 - Friday March 31

Canterbury This morning we took an early train out of London to spend the day in Canterbury and Kent. The weather was blustery and rainy, but we braved the conditions for a 90 minute walking tour around this historic city. Some things I learned from our guide: The high street was built by the Romans and is one of the few things we can see (above ground) of Roman influence. Also, there were originally 8 gates around the city in Roman times, only one gate remains, but it is not original, it was reconstructed in the 1300s. We also found the statue of Chaucer, famous author of the Canterbury Tales. Our guide also shared the history of Christopher Marlowe and how in addition to being an author and playwright, he was also a vocal atheist (not a good thing to be during the Reformation) and was recruited as a spy for the government. Karen and I needed to warm up, so we found a wonderful spot for afternoon tea at the Abode Hotel on the hig...